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Israel’s HIGH-TECH Military Drones & Iron Dome Defense System | Insights | TBN Israel

Publish: 2024-03-29 22:00:28

Duration: 22:31(min:sec)

Views: 68218

Likes: 6702

Tag: israel,israel news,israel war,idf,israeli military,israeli tech,israel military technology,israel technology,IDF technology,israeli air force,military drones,elbit systems,elbit xlsh,elbit drone swarm,startup nation,iron drome,israel rocket defense,The Great Jewish Revolt,Uzi Rubin,mati shoshani,insights israel & the middle east,insights israel,tbn israel,trinity broadcasting network,tbn,tbn insights israel,t1b1n1,is3ra3l,t3nis3ra41,il222,il777,news

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