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Houthi Drone Hunts Down ‘Israeli’ Ship In Red Sea; Iran-backed Rebels Release Dramatic Footage

Publish: 2024-05-01 13:35:32

Duration: 04:45(min:sec)

Views: 43159

Likes: 696

Tag: hindustan times,ht media,ht news,hindustan,english news,latest news english,latest news,mv cyclades,greek ship,israel linked ship,maltese flagged ship,container vessel,ballistic missile,drone strike,houthis,houthi rebels,iran backed rebels,yemen,sanaa,red sea,gulf of aden,video of attack,footage,usa,us centcom,united states,joe biden,washington,middle east,israel hamas war,benjamin netanyahu,tel aviv,yahya saree,abdul malik al houthi

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